The Blog — astrology memes
Wednesday 3/15/23
2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update Chiron in aries pluto Pluto in Aquarius 2023
Alyssa Danielle CampoSun & Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces - Highlighting Sympathy & Faith There is a reason the time change happens during Pisces season; where time already feels odd. This can help us surrender to a whole new reality. One that feels less demanding and more flexible. An ideal time to pursue those creative projects, your favorite art, and some meditation. Heart- centered activities, not the best time to try and get a lot of mental activity and work done though. The mind is wanting to wander and daydream, and when you can, let it! This is where we...
Saturday 3/11/23
2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update Chiron in aries dailyastrology energyupdate saturn in pisces uranus in taurus venus in aries
Alyssa Danielle CampoMercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus- Leading with the heart, not the head. Today felt like a powerful meeting of the elements- Water with Mercury in Pisces; softening and bringing compassion to our communication and perception right now. Air with Mars in Gemini; allowing our thoughts to take flight into action, with a competitive nature in the air, highly distracted, highly stimulated. A need for grounding. Fire with Venus, Jupiter and Chiron in Aries; teaching us that we are human, we have egos and although they might be looking out for us in their own way, we must walk...
Friday 3/10/23
2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes fixed signs learn astrology pisces
Alyssa Danielle CampoMoon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn oppose Venus in Aries, Mars square Neptune, Sun square Mars, Mercury & Venus in Aries sextile Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Gemini So a lot of squares and sextile action happening in the celestial sky today! Squares are challenges, that cause tension that lead to solutions, they create more flexibility and adaptability within the human spirit. Some may see this as a crutch while others see this as free training. Having squares in your natal chart give you grit and thick skin in that area, embrace them and learn to work with...
Thursday 3/9/23
2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update fixed signs learn astrology moon
Alyssa Danielle CampoSun in Pisces square Mars in Gemini- Highlighting Personal Power & Learning to Be Patient Don't rule anything out yet, so much can change this week if we stay open. These mutable energies of Pisces and Gemini have us all asking questions and creates a myriad of opportunities and possibilities, which can cause some anxiety for the future if we overthink things. This is where the go with the flow mentality of Pisces will greatly serve you, once the intention is set and the energy feels right, that is key. You're in charge of creating the space, staying focused and...
Monday 3/6/23
2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update fixed signs learn astrology moon
Alyssa Danielle CampoMoon oppose Mercury, Moon oppose Saturn, Mars square Neptune As we step out of the recent intensity of outer events and circumstances, the energy can feel quite polarized leaving us questioning how we might integrate all of the lessons of this transit. Our mind is one place and our feelings are another. With the Moon in Virgo now, opposing its natural ruler of Mercury, we might feel like we can't find the words to express these big emotions we are feeling. We crave control and answers but are challenged with the lesson of patience and being ok with not knowing. ...