Monday 3/6/23

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Moon oppose Mercury, Moon oppose Saturn, Mars square Neptune 

As we step out of the recent intensity of outer events and circumstances, the energy can feel quite polarized leaving us questioning how we might integrate all of the lessons of this transit. Our mind is one place and our feelings are another. With the Moon in Virgo now, opposing its natural ruler of Mercury, we might feel like we can't find the words to express these big emotions we are feeling. We crave control and answers but are challenged with the lesson of patience and being ok with not knowing. 

The Moon also feels quite shut down with this opposition to Saturn, who won't let anyone in for free right now, he is requiring commitment, hard work and ALL of your heart and effort. No short cuts, no freebies. It's go time. Are you willing to work hard to feel more peace and self approval or are you going to break under the pressure and tell yourself you can't do this? Let's not choose self sabotage today, k? 

Mars square Neptune is activating our psychic nature and is helping us tap into the thoughts and feelings of the collective. The potential to get swept away in the worries of the world is strong so be cautious of how you're spending your time and energy.

Honor your sensitivity and understand that this is a powerful time in history when society is hitting a turning point in how we interact and look out for one another. 

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