Saturday 3/11/23

2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update Chiron in aries dailyastrology energyupdate saturn in pisces uranus in taurus venus in aries

Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus- Leading with the heart, not the head. 

Today felt like a powerful meeting of the elements- Water with Mercury in Pisces; softening and bringing compassion to our communication and perception right now. Air with Mars in Gemini; allowing our thoughts to take flight into action, with a competitive nature in the air, highly distracted, highly stimulated. A need for grounding. Fire with Venus, Jupiter and Chiron in Aries; teaching us that we are human, we have egos and although they might be looking out for us in their own way, we must walk the path of the Warrior, aligned with Spirit and in tune with natures rhythms. Earth with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn; deeply nourishing our bones and bodies, with the voice of our ancestors and the guidance of our heart. 

Epiphanies, breakthrough moments and a good cry are on the agenda for this weekend, make time for that spiritual side of you that is asking to join hands. It's the beginning of the long journey ahead with Saturn in Pisces, reprogramming our 12th house matters; empathy, love, surrender, sacrifice and a renewal of personal vows to our spiritual work and services. 


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