The Blog — astrology for march 23 2023
Thursday 3/23/23
2023 astrology Aries new moon 2023 Aries season 2023 astrology for march 23 2023 Pluto in Aquarius 2023
Alyssa Danielle CampoPluto Ingress Aquarius at 0* ~Healing the Shadow Side of Humanity~ This is a significant time in history, this present moment. Since the 90's now, we have been plugged into the internet. Instant connection, downloads, information, consciousness streaming in. Natural or artificial energy? Maybe both, and learning to live in this new digital world, learning to share and connect in new ways. We are at a pivotal moment where we shift from Pluto in Capricorn (where it has been since 2008) a self motivating, goal oriented, hustle culture, brick and mortar business mindset to Aquarius- who rules electronics, otherworldly energies,...