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Thursday 3/2/23

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Thursday 3/2/23

As the planet of learning and communication moves from mentally stimulating fixed air sign, Aquarius, to the mutable elder water sign of Pisces we can feel the shift the most in our emotional world and close connections right now. This week, into next, is a calm point in the astrology, before Saturn moves into Pisces. As major planets move into new signs, we are allowing this down time to see how those energies effect us on a personal level. Mercury is also making a strong conjunction with Saturn, possibly making us feel a bit mentally overloaded and causing this to...

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Wednesday 3/1/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo 2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update dailyastrology energyupdate

Wednesday 3/1/23

*Notice where you have 29 degrees in your natal chart to understand how this transit is personally affecting you.* Today we're going to discuss the energetics of the 29th degree, the final degree. We are in the completion stages right now with Pluto at the final degree of its transit with Capricorn and Saturn at the final degree of his time with Aquarius. What does this mean? Well, Pluto, the destroyer, is tying up loose ends in the realm strict and protective Saturn; the world of government, foundational structures, politics, authoritative figures and reaching the peak of the mountain through...

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Tuesday 2/28/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo 2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update dailyastrology energyupdate February astrology 2023 fixed signs learn astrology moon Pluto in Aquarius 2023

Tuesday 2/28/23

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces, trine Mercury in Aquarius & the Venus, Jupiter, Chiron conjunction

There is a beautiful moment happening here in the celestial sky right now, an easy going energy and a harmony of our instinctive awareness and the collectives emotions and logic. Empathy, compassion and vulnerability are the themes.

Some questions to ponder; What are you inviting into your space and energy field during this time? Are you making space for this with intention or through habit? Are you allowing yourself to move through difficult emotions without judgement? This heightened sensitivity will show you through others what you are aiming to heal and transmute within. The trine to Mercury is connecting us to new opportunities, mentors, innovative thinking friends, and scientific data that is compelling and electric. The thought of "how can I be helpful?" is on our minds, a lot too. 

This conjunction here with Venus (our values, relationships and how we love), Jupiter (our inner cheerleader, personal development and expansiveness) and Chiron (the Wounded Healer, our insecurities and trauma and how it changed and transformed us) is really asking us to dive deep and honor this time. 

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Monday 2/27/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo

Monday 2/27/23

Moon in Gemini sextile Jupiter & Chiron in Aries 

Today's astrology is about utilizing the power of the mind to support the emotional complexity and sensitivities of the heart. Healing, healing and more healing. Expanding on those feel good emotions of independence and confidence from Aries, while working hard on healing from past suffered trauma stored in the body, surrendering to the process- Pisces.

Chiron is patient, attentive and becomes the Inner Parent we always needed. Acknowledgement is key, while feeling those painful emotions is important; it's also important to release them and move on, not reliving the trauma and allowing for the phase of completion. Think of those long buried memories and re-wire this experience with love and acceptance. Get into a new rhythm with your daily practice with an exclamation mark on spirituality and radical self acceptance. 

You might surprise yourself with your capability to forgive and move on today! Embrace it. 

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Sunday 2/26/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo 2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update dailyastrology energyupdate February astrology 2023

Sunday 2/26/23

Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries, Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Aquarius  The term "Just Do It" for Nike was literally created during a Jupiter in Aries transit. It's go big or go home energy. Ego's can be inflated, and deflated just as quickly. With Venus in on this, she is softening the harshness of fiery Aries through her compassion and values. Reminding us that we deserve the world, and to feel good. Aries embraces individuality. Jupiter is the cheerleader, emphasizing and expanding on this energy. Thankfully we have this because its coupled with the serious, sobering and even gloomy...

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