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Wednesday 3/8/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo 2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology fixed signs saturn in pisces virgo full moon 2023

Wednesday 3/8/23

Saturn has officially moved into Pisces & the Full Moon in Virgo Aftermath  The Test of Spiritual Maturity! Did you pass, and who's judging?  This is a time of reprogramming our spiritual side, with the help of Virgo- cleaning and clearing is naturally what we are wanting to do, but on the emotions. Deep cleaning, if you will. And we're getting rid of all the crap we've gathered and hoarded over the past 2 and a half years, its going bye bye. This looks like us standing up for ourselves in relationships that are not aligned, saying the things that...

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Monday 3/6/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo 2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update fixed signs learn astrology moon

Monday 3/6/23

Moon oppose Mercury, Moon oppose Saturn, Mars square Neptune  As we step out of the recent intensity of outer events and circumstances, the energy can feel quite polarized leaving us questioning how we might integrate all of the lessons of this transit. Our mind is one place and our feelings are another. With the Moon in Virgo now, opposing its natural ruler of Mercury, we might feel like we can't find the words to express these big emotions we are feeling. We crave control and answers but are challenged with the lesson of patience and being ok with not knowing. ...

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Sunday 3/5/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo 2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update sun signs sun square mars

Sunday 3/5/23

Moon Saturn Opposition, Sun Sextile Uranus, Jupiter Conjunct Chiron, Sun Square Mars This time can feel like the ultimate test, we are pushing through challenging emotions, which takes conscious effort and energy. Our reaction to the pace at which we can adapt, is telling a lot. Are we patient with ourselves when we are learning? How do we feel about our adaptability and flexibility? These questions are here to help us reflect on how we can make simple changes or keep repeating a pattern.  Sun sextile Uranus is reminding us that everyone is unique and has their own way of...

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Saturday 3/4/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo 2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update dailyastrology

Saturday 3/4/23

A Time to Pause and Refine - Moon square Uranus, Moon Trine Chiron We might be feeling a little edge right now with this Moon in Leo squaring Uranus in Taurus, emotionally. Big time clearing is happening for us all on an individual level, "cleaning house" literally and figuratively. As the moon makes her way into Virgo, she prepares mentally and emotionally to take in more criticism and hopefully, release the need for perfection. Done, is better than perfect. It's all in the details. Go the extra mile to do it right! We are seeing where we might have taken...

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Friday 3/3/23

Alyssa Danielle Campo 2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes astrology update fixed signs learn astrology

Friday 3/3/23

Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus, Moon in Leo oppose Pluto in Capricorn Our life force energy is welcoming in this new sense of freedom and stability. Weight lifted. The feeling of possibility and doors opening. Dreams are starting to take form. This grand conjunction with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Chiron is the "yes". Ease into the future, when we stay present. Uranus is the unexpected, Pisces is surrender; and your emotions will be your guide. The extremes we have been feeling through the past couple of weeks from Pluto, working hard to clear away what is holding us...

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