Post Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries Energy~ Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces, Sun square Pluto, Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries!
As a Scorpio Sun, I can speak to the intensity of this Eclipse season. I was so busy with work, a new schedule, lots to do and places to be. The New Moon didn't have the same feel it usually does; new beginnings, setting intentions and manifesting something new- the reason being this one in particular was washed out by the energy of the Aries Solar Eclipse, who's job was to remove all that was standing in your way. It felt more like closure, even if it was more internal.
The house activated by the eclipse is that of our personal image, our body, identity and primal preferences. Aries! You may feel like a whole new you. The Sun in Taurus with the Moon in Gemini brings us new ideas and exciting curiosities to explore. Leaning into the good life and really appreciating our value, and the energy we bring to the table. Saturn is supporting us with spiritual and emotional maturity, to make the right decisions that feel truly in alignment. Grounding reinforcement.
Sun square Pluto is about personal empowerment. Learning our place in the world and learning the place we keep in peoples hearts. This emotional time is touching on that Mars in Cancer, making us feel hesitant to share time and space with others and making us feel more hermit-y than usual. This will pass, the square to Chiron in Aries is giving us the energy and vitality to do the healing work and keep moving and going!
Taurus season is here to help us bloom but not to force things! Everything has a divine timing and unfolding. Just like a flower that has yet to bloom, you can't ruin it and make it unravel faster, you have to be patient and attentive. Nurture it with love.